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Himali set 140 x 70

Himali set 140 x 70

  • Nepal
Auch bekannt als: Kelim design
Artikelnummer: BC01133103BC01233103
Knoten / m2: 60000
  • Neu (0-10)
  • Dick (12+ mm)
Material (Flur auf Kette):
Material (Flur auf Kette):
  • Wolle auf Baumwolle
Einzelhandelpreis1112 €
Preis MBI:890 €
590 €
Standardisierter Preis / kg:

The handmade carpets' colors look different depending on the side you view the carpet from.This is because the pile of handmade carpets, in contrast to machine made carpets, is inclined so that the carpet has protection from dirt and wear.
For a detailed view please click the images below.

The Himali and Kodari qualities from the Brink & Campman collection are handknotted, in both Nepal and India. The use of the finest yarns in this traditional technique gives these qualities their gorgeous look. Whether they are knotted in plain colours with natural wool yarns or made in intricate and colourful designs, these rugs look fabulous either way. The craftsmanship of this hand knotting technique is fantastic to combine with modern design.

Since 1897 already, Brink & Campman manufactures high-quality rugs. The combination of over a 100 years of experience, craftsmanship and continuous product development results in Brink & Campman being a well-known name both at home and abroad. Modern rugs are made using old crafts in our factory based in Lichtenvoorde, the Netherlands. All Brink & Campman rugs originated in the company’s own design studio. Our designers develop the unique collection range, starting with a nice yarn, inspired by the latest trends or fascinated by technical possibilities. Therefore the Brink & Campman collection proudly carries the title ‘Made in Holland’. Each fall a new Brink & Campman collection is presented, filled with novelties in several qualities.

Throughout the years Brink & Campman specialised in several rug qualities. Every quality has its own characteristics, specifications and possibilities. The variety in our collection results from de diversity in techniques being translated in Brink & Campman’s own  iconic handwriting. Axminster woven, tufted, handknotted, handwoven and handtufted are the techniques that we work with.

The collections for several brands, designed and manufactured by Brink & Campman, are mainly made in the handtufted technique. All 8 brands that we work with are well-known names in the international fashion and interior branch, like Ted Baker, Wedgwood, Morris & Co. and Harlequin. The Brink & Campman design studio collaborates with these brands’ design studios, resulting in characteristic rug collections filled with iconic designs that undoubtedly will be an eye catcher in any interior.



  • Nepal
Auch bekannt als:
Kelim design
Knoten / m2:
  • Neu (0-10)
  • Dick (12+ mm)
Material (Flur auf Kette): Tooltip
Material (Flur auf Kette):
  • Wolle auf Baumwolle

Good to knowGut zu wissen

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