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Patchwork 240 x 166

Patchwork 240 x 166

Original Persian
  • Iran / Persien
Artikelnummer: 8178
Knoten / m2: 190000
  • Älter(20-50)
  • Mittel (8-12mm)
Material (Flur auf Kette):
Material (Flur auf Kette):
  • Wolle auf Baumwolle
Einzelhandelpreis1190 €
Preis MBI:952 €
650 €
Standardisierter Preis / kg:

The handmade carpets' colors look different depending on the side you view the carpet from.This is because the pile of handmade carpets, in contrast to machine made carpets, is inclined so that the carpet has protection from dirt and wear.
For a detailed view please click the images below.

Patchwork and Vintage carpets are the new trend of modern rugs they give with their vibrant designs to every room an extraordinary charm.
Raw material are pieces of old carpets with an age of 20 to 100 years.
In a complex process, the high-quality old carpets are recycled through new strong dye (called-over dyed),washed and then stitched tightly together in new shapes and patterns to create a new Patchwork Carpet. Vintage carpets are maked from 1 part only of an old carpet.

Patchwork and Vintage carpets have a special charm : It is a home accessory with history, a unique piece, in which on closer inspection you can discover something new again and again. It’s looks classy and cozy at the same time .

In the market there are various quality’s of Patchwork carpets mainly from Pakistan , Turkey and India.

MBI, always trying to stand out, is one of the few companies who sells exclusively Persian Patchwork and Vintage.
The difference lies in their heavier - stable pieces and the very sturdy
sewing from machines , which essentially eliminates the risk of tearing in the very sensitive parts of compounds , these Patchwork does not require to have on the back side ugly substrates , linings or latex
Another equally important point is that these Persian rugs are not a mass product , but there is a worldwide small quantity available.






  • Iran / Persien
Knoten / m2:
  • Älter(20-50)
  • Mittel (8-12mm)
Material (Flur auf Kette): Tooltip
Material (Flur auf Kette):
  • Wolle auf Baumwolle

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Patchwork 240 x 166
650 €
952 €